We cordially invite you to visit Prospect College during our open day on May 25, 2019! If you are a parent, come see what college life is like for your child! If you are a high school student and are wondering what college life is like, come see it in action! If you are an educator, or if you are just curious what college life is like, we welcome you to visit! Meet and talk with our students and teachers, join in our activities, sit in on a class, come see a big screen movie, take part in our evening cocktail party! We welcome everyone to come see what makes Prospect College a modern and unique learning environment.
Gwen Bennett, Dean
如果孩子是远景的学生,请来看看您孩子的大学生活是什么样的! 如果你是一名高中生,并想知道大学生活是什么样的,那就来看吧! 如果您是教育工作者,或者您只是好奇大学生活是什么样的,我们欢迎大家访问! 与我们的学生们和老师们交谈,参加我们的活动,观察一堂课,来看大屏幕电影,参加我们晚间国际酒会! 来看看是什么让远景学院成为一个现代而独特的学习环境。
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