在2016年大学城钓鱼城国际音乐节上我们有幸邀请到了来自澳大利亚的Cheynne Murphy乐队和来自马来西亚的AREEF和Pastel Lite两支乐队。这些乐队在音乐节上的精彩热血的表演令移通学院的师生印象深刻,他们也用自己的方式带给我们一次无与伦比的音乐体验。音乐节结束之际,他们也通过邮件的方式回顾了这次在音乐节上的经历。通过他们漂洋过海的邮件,我们一起听听看他们对于这次的音乐节有什么不一样的体验和感受吧。

Cheynne Murphy statement
Last years International festival hosted by Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications was a very professional event and me and my touring band had a wonderful time playing music and also found it an amazing sharing of cultures. One of the highlights for me was presenting a lecture to students who were very excited to learn more about Australian culture and also experience insights into music and songwriting. Our acoustic performance was well received and I really enjoyed the performances of the students and their sharing in the meeting. I feel it was an event that enriched their learning experience at the University. I found the music events inspiring and the reaction from students was incredibly enthusiastic and supportive. Students learned about the music business, running events and also developed great social skills interacting with myself and the band. The whole festival was really well organised. The students had a great time attending the events. It changed my own perception and understanding of China and I felt honoured to perform. I think music brings us all together!

Cheynne Murphy的叙述

Autumn 2016 was a very memorable moment. A team of 11 consisting of two musical groups AREEF and Pastel Lite was invited again to represent Malaysia for the 2016 Diaoyu Cheng International Music Festival held at Hechuan, Chongqing. The event that was organized by The College of Mobile Telecommunications at Chongqing University of Posts and Telecom lasted for over a week featuring countless musical performances by musicians that came from within China and all over the world.
In keeping the Malaysian participants organized, two student groups have been formed and assigned to manage the teams’ daily requirements. They were there from the time the Malaysian team arrived at Chongqing Jiangbei till the time they depart back to Kuala Lumpur.
At the beginning of our journey in Hechuan, we were invited to attend the opening ceremony for the music festival. We observed the extremely great involvement of students in coordinating the event. Students were seen participating in all areas of work including performances, stage & production, logistics and many others. We were amazed at the amount of cooperation and dedication showed by the students of the university.
At some point, we were brought over to visit Band Base, a music related facility built for students of the university. We were amazed with the number of rooms that was filled with musical instruments for students to explore. On top of that, there was also a Live House for the students to showcase their talent on a regular basis. Students were seen coming in and out of practice rooms not only to play music but some were also seen working in keeping the facilities organized.
In the six performances played by our Malaysian participants, we were lavished with great care and hospitality by the student groups that were taking care of us. Strangers turned into friends and the hectic daily routines became a truly enjoyable experience. There were so much of learning through sharing of knowledge and culture that happens every single day throughout the festival. Apart from the student groups that spent the most time with us, we were also humbled by the engagement that was given by the audience during all of the performances. University students were seen cheering and singing during performances even in the cold autumn rain, an experience that could never be forgotten by any performer.
Before we knew it, it was already time to leave Chongqing. The whole experience of having so many people who have love for music connecting for more than one week had been a truly wonderful experience. The 2016 music festival had indeed leaved a very deep mark in all our hearts.

2016年的秋天是一个非常值得纪念的时刻。由AREEF和Pastel Lite两个乐队共11个人组成的团队被再次邀请代表马来西亚去参加位于重庆合川的2016钓鱼城国际音乐节。此次音乐节由重庆邮电大学移通学院举办,来自中国和其他全国各地的音乐家们将会在长达一周的庆典中上演不尽其数的音乐节目。